Fantastic Beings Workshop

Durante mi estancia de tres meses en Berlín, trasladé mi estudio a SomoS Art House, un espacio de intercambio y desarrollo de prácticas artísticas en el corazón de Neükolln. Allí participé de diferentes actividades entorno a mi trabajo como artista y tuve la oportunidad de impartir el taller Fantastic Beings Workshop.

During my stay along three months in Berlin, I moved my studio to SomoS Art House, an art center for exchange, art-presentation and production in the heart of Neükolln. There I participated in different activities focused on my practice and got the opportunity to lead the Fantastic Beings Workshop.

A lo largo de dos sesiones se llevó a cabo el taller de escultura Fantastic Beings Workshop en SomoS Art House. Una dinámica experimental en la que los participantes trabajaron en equipo para desarrollar sus proyectos, explorando su proceso creativo y en el que trabajamos tomando como base nuestros propios cuerpos para replicarlo y reinventarlo transformándolo en piezas escultóricas de base biomórfica, dando lugar a extrañas y sorprendentes composiciones.

Throughout two sessions, it took place the Fantastic Beings sculpture workshop at SomoS Art House. An experimental dynamic class where the attendants worked together to develop their own projects, exploring their creative processes and working in an anatomy-based practice. We replicated our bodies to transform the pieces into new biomorphic sculptures, giving rise to new odd and surprising compositions..

Photos by Caroline Weimmer

Be Loved

I met Ricardo O`Nascimento while our artist in residence program at  MAC A Coruña in 2013. We shared working spaces and great experieces in the museum. I absolutely admire his work and is allways so inspiring work together with him. 

Thanks again to the MAC to support the project giving me the opportunity to meet Ricardo again for a new collaborative piece, this time in his studio in Rotterdam. Also thanks to the Niffo Galerie that hosted an exhibtion of us both and allowed us to work in this new performance. 

Here some pictures of the performance day (all info about the project here). 

Photos by Lidia Vevi


Residencias MAC

While my artist in residence program at MAC Contemporary Art Museum A Coruña I spent more than three months working inside the museum sharing experiences with great artist from different disciplines: Ricardo O´NascimentoJeremy KeenamMontero & Lesta and Miguel Mariño.

One of that days I had a very special collaborator to Olimpia & Vivian Heimlich project: my grandma María came to help me stitching some fabrics and furries. 

My friend Melissa Adams  visited me and shot this pictures of my experience. Video from Esferobite